Office of the Chief Registrar of Births and Deaths
The Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969 (Central Act 18 of 1969) and the Goa, Daman & Diu Registration of Births & Death Rules, 1970 were extended to the erstwhile Union Territory of Goa, Daman & Diu with effect from 1 January, 1971.
The Director, Directorate of Planning. Statistics and Evaluation, has been appointed by the State Government as the State Chief Registrar of Births & Deaths (CRBD). The CRBD acts as the Chief Executive Authority for the implementation of the Registration of Births & Deaths Act, 1969 (Central Act 18 of 1969) and the Goa Registration of Births and Deaths Rules, 1999 and as amended from time to time.
The CRBD is responsible (i) to supervise the work of Birth & Death registration across the State of Goa, (ii) to issue suitable instructions to all registration functionaries in the State and (iii) to co-ordinate the Births & Deaths related activities, so as to bring in uniformity and securing an official system of registration of Births & Deaths.
The Government of Goa, as per the provisions in the said Act and the corresponding State rules has appointed Additional Collectors in both the Districts of North Goa and South Goa as District Registrar of Births & Deaths. The Block Development Officers of all Talukas of Goa State, have been notified as the Additional District Registrar for their respective Taluka. The Secretaries of 191 Village Panchayats have been designated as the Registrar of Births & Deaths of their respective Village Panchayat. Similarly, the Chief Officers of 13 Municipal Councils, the Commissioner of Corporation of the City of Panaji and the Medical Superintendent of Goa Medical College have also been designated as the Registrar of Births & Deaths in their respective jurisdiction.
Directorate of Planning, Statistics and Evaluation has a separate division called Registration of Births & Deaths (RBD) Division, which is headed by the Deputy Director who also acts as the Additional Chief Registrar of Births and Deaths.
• Implementation of Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969 and State Rules thereunder in the State of Goa.
• Responsible for issuing suitable instructions, co-ordinating. unifying and supervising the work of registration in the State for securing an efficient system of registration of births and deaths.
• To monitor the work of Registrars of Births & Deaths and to extend them necessary guidance and assistance in the implementation of the RBD Act, 1969 and the State Rules.
• Registrars of Births & Deaths are responsible to register every birth and death events, which occurs in the area under their jurisdiction and issuance of Births and Deaths Certificates to the Citizen.
• The Chief Registrar of Births & Deaths, causes the information in the returns on the registered births and deaths during the year, which are furnished by the Registrars, to be compiled and published in the form of Statistical Reports.
• The Chief Registrar of Births & Deaths can issue Certificate certifying that the death certificate issued by the Indian Mission under the Citizenship Act 1955 is valid document for all purposes and is at par under the Registration of Births & Deaths Act 1969, in case of a death of an Indian Citizen occurred outside India.
Director/Chief Registrar of Births & Deaths:
Shri. Vijay B. Saxena
Contact No:
Dy. Director/Addl. Chief Registrar of Births & Deaths: Shri. Digambar Kalapurkar
Contact No: 832-2417443
Email: rbd1-dpse[dot]goa[at]gov[dot]in
Other Information
• This site provides details of all births and deaths electronically registered in Local Governments (Registration units) from year 1971 onwards.
• Details of births and deaths will not be available in this site unless that are digitized and ported in the electronic register.
• For any corrections in the entries of the electronic register, please contact the Registrar of Births & Deaths of the respective Registration unit.
• Online Birth and Death Certificates are permitted as valid document for all official purposes as per Notification No. DPSE/RBD/Computerization/Goa/2017/2302 dated 28/10/2022 published in the Official Gazette -Govt. of Goa, Series II, No.43 dated 27th January, 2023.
• Any query related registered births/deaths, please contact the concerned Registrar of Births & Deaths within whose jurisdiction the event has been occurred.
• The RBD Act 1969 and the Goa RBD rules 1999 do not prescribe any period of limitation as regards the validity of Birth and Death Certificate issued under the said Act/Rules. (see: Public Notice: No.DPSE/RBD/IDCC/91 dated 20.02.2008).
• The information displayed on the website regarding number of boys & girls born in each District, Municipality. Corporation or Gram Panchayat is as per the Supreme Court Order in writ petition (Civil) No.349 of 2006 & 575 of 2014, at para 33 (a).